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Get A Signed Personalized Copy of In Search Of A River

Jim Owen

December 2021 979-8-9852809-1-3

How to order your signed personalized copy:

Many of my followers have requested a signed copy of In Search Of A River and I'm happy to provide it.  However, in order to fulfill that request, you need to order direct from me, I can't sign a copy ordered from Amazon.  Books are in stock and I will immediately fill orders. Initial reader feedback has given the book great reviews. 

I can accept PayPal and Credit Cards to facilitate your order.  Simply click buy now

Next 10 orders to receive a free coffee mug with a beautiful full-color picture of the book on it.  Everyone likes a hot cup of coffee while they read!

The offer begins 8/5/22 and ends when 10 are sold.  Cups will be shipped separately from the book.  Also good for books ordered from Amazon either paperback or eBook, just email a picture of a receipt to along with shipping address. 


If you desire to pay by check, $19.99, you can mail a check to James Owen, PO Box 130844, Tampa FL 33681, state who you want the book personalized "To" and I'll sign and mail it out as soon as I get your order. Be sure to tell me who it goes to and the mailing address. 

For the first 100  (61 already sent 39 to-go) orders, I will send the book out postage paid so make your check out for $19.99.  Thanks. 


Dying Isn’t So Hard.  I Did It 4 Times Today

That’s a text I sent to good friends John Haney and Earl Williams late in the afternoon of February 8, 2011. John said since I’m known as a jokester they naturally thought it was that me joking around and they were waiting for the punch line.  It hit them hard when I explained no I did….I died 4 times but I’m alive!  Having a severe heart attack and dying that day sure wasn’t on my to-do list, it came unexpectedly and at a horrible time but heart attacks and death don’t ever come at the most convenient times.  It did fit in God’s timing as he knew my life was about to be very hectic and challenging so he knew the time was right to get this out of the way and use it as a time to get my attention, my full attention.  He did.  

To order a signed copy, click here!


Amazon Five Star Review

Linda R.  

A new beginning of love and kindness. Jim Owen’s ‘In Search of a River’ book is full of insight into the spiritual world, lost and found love, and his near death experience that truly gives his readers a lot to digest! It so inspired me to give a lot of thought about the here and now and to want to live life to the fullest. I could say so much more! You won’t want to miss reading his story.


Amazon Customer Five Stars

A must-read

January 13, 2022

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

A great account of a NDE. Very thought-provoking.


Amazing Read! Five Stars 

January 7, 2022

Format: Paperback

I just finished reading this incredible book. It was so enlightening! It not only helped me better understand the NDE that this man (and countless others) encounter but also gave me precious thoughts on how to live each day to its fullest. I recommend that you also read this book—you will be glad you did!

Judy F-H


Billie Reiki Five Stars Such a beautiful read! Inspirational!

January 6, 2022

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

If you're a yogi , trying to align your chakras, it’s a rare happening, even with “professional guidance! Jim (The author ✍️ ), is a living example of that possibility still being available to each of us! If you're a seeker, feeling like you may never find your way back to a true connection to God and the highest realms, this book will renew your hope!!

If you’ve lost a loved one. If you're facing a hospice situation with a loved one. If you're a hospice worker. If you’ve been given a tragic diagnosis. This book will comfort and inspire you!! If you still dream of lost childhood or young adult romance, you think you missed out on. This book will renew your hope and remind you, it’s never ever too late!!!

If you’ve simply been asleep and ignoring God and the voice of the universe, this book will remind you to pay attention to the little signs along the way. This book will help you open your eyes and dream like a child again.

Meeting The Author Jim (aka: jumpstart Jimmy) was one of the greatest honors of my life. Guiding him and mentoring him, through the beautiful ancient healing art of Reiki was another amazing honor! I believe his source connection, since his near-death experience, has truly aligned him with The authentic power of the universe. A true kundalini awakening is an exceptionally rare occurrence! But Jim is truly awakened! His ability to channel energy is well beyond the norm of a typical Reiki practitioner!

I had the honor, of being present through his journey off loss, confusion and realignment with the universe. He is a beautiful example of the beauty that happens, when you truly trust God and the path your life takes, with trust and honor…. This accounting of Jim’s life gives me renewed hope in the ability for humanity to still Realign itself with the universe, God and the source. There have been times in my life, I thought that connection was close to us. That may be humanity had strayed entirely too far, to find its way back. I thought maybe for the good of the universe that door has been close to us. Humanity had become too evil and too Lost to find its way back. Jim's genuine and authentic accounting of his life, getting lost, and finding his way back, has shown me that the door is still open. We simply need to trust the path!! It’s truly an inspirational reminder, that there is something beautiful after this life!!

The fairytale that’s been presented in church after church of heaven, may not exist in the yellow brick roads. But I believe it’s even better!! Jim has beautifully confirmed the unknown! Very few have touched the other side and returned. Jim is an authentic Angel!!!

The kind that reminds us, it’s OK if we’ve been lost an imperfect in this life. We simply have to open her eyes and realign!

Romance, hope, inspiration, A rekindling of faith, are all contained in his book!

My hope for all that read this book 📖, is that Jim‘s light will become a roadmap for you to find your way back to source…., ❣️🙏🏻🥰


Review from JH a customer who bought the book directly from the author. 

Jim Owen’s book “In Search of a River” is a book I read at a little slower pace than I usually do.   I realized, however, after not too many pages, that I was reading it at a slower pace because the subject matter was so gripping and the writing style so vividly descriptive that I didn’t want to overlook even the smallest detail.  It does make the reader feel he is right along for the ride with Jumpstart Jimmy.  I recommend the book to everyone as it indeed provoked my thoughts and made me do a self-examination of my life to date plus the road still in front of me.  If it is possible to say a book can make someone a better person as a result of reading it, then “In Search of a River is that book!


From a rreader in New Zealand sent via messenger 2/21/22

Hey Jimmy, I have now finished this amazing book. Mixed feelings at the end, it’s great to know the whole story but at the same time I feel sad it’s finished.

This is a book that as many people as possible should read, it’s a rare mix of touching heart, mind and soul. Not just touching but impacting, this book made me stop and think about my own life, about it’s meaning and purpose, it made me question my lifestyle and whether I’m actually truly happy or just wrapped up in an image of myself.  It’s incredibly relatable and had me nodding in agreement so many times and none more so than on the raw and confrontational points, reflections and subjects that you so masterfully touched on and tied in to the story.  

Jimmy it’s simply one of the best books that I have read in I don’t know how long.  For me it feels like a book I was meant to read, thank you for sharing this amazing account and story. Much love and respect my friend ❤️